I held a joint appointment in School of Physical Sciences and Humanities Center (2020-2021). The aim of the project is to examine the disparity in representation and experience in STEM, through the lens of history, race, and gender, to help develop a roadmap for removing such inequalities through policy and education.
I facilitated philosophical thinking and discourse with 5th graders at elementary schools around Southern California.
I was a co-investigator on a writing intervention study. Our study investigates the impact of direct writing instruction in doctoral education. We propose that graduate students need the opportunity to enter a community of practice, where mentoring is done through example, and holistic instruction that takes into account all aspects of the writing process from time management to technique.
I work with Duncan Pritchard on revising undergraduate education at UCI, with an emphasis on virtue development.
I organized “Ask a Philosopher” booths around Orange County. This booth engages the public in conversation with philosophers, making philosophy accessible to the public, hopefully narrowing problematic gaps in gender and socio-economic status historically present in the philosophical discipline.